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Let’s discuss how to prepare for English language proficiency test!

Digital vs coaching centre approach to English language testing exams!

How you prepare for English language assessment test clearly shows up in your band score. So, to pick the right method of preparation is a big responsibility as a lot is at stake when sitting for the test of proficiency in English language. Based on your band score result, you would be able to get your favourite course in the favourite country if you are applying for the English exam test to study abroad. 

So, let’s make it simple by listing down the pluses and negatives of both preparation methods for nailing English language testing exams.

Let’s start with the traditional method that is enrolling yourself with a coaching centre to prepare for English language proficiency test.

Here is a list of pluses to prepare for language skills assessment test-
  • You get a guide/tutor to help you with each module and process.
  • You get to solve sample papers and practice each module; that makes you familiar with the concept of chosen English language testing and assessment. Mock tests every week (conducted by most of the international English examination) helps you with real feedback.
  • You learn about your strengths and weaknesses.

Now here we have some negatives to prepare for International English Exams with the help of coaching centres- 
  • Most centres do not help you with basic of a language like tenses, grammar, vocabulary and sentence forming. As they generally focus on getting you to practice sample papers of chosen global language assessment.
  • This results in the deduction of band scores because of small language errors.
  • Due to large groups, the share of attention for each student is less than it is required to understand and work towards fixing the common errors. 

Next, lets’ discuss the pluses of preparing for the English language proficiency test online
  • You have a wide range of resources with varying time duration and charges to pick the suitable one for English language examination preparation. GETS English exam let you access sample papers on request. 
  • You have different levels of prep. resources like you may begin with general English (grammar, tenses, sentence formation and vocabs etc.) and once you learn general English move towards practising different module of chosen English proficiency test online.
  • You save your time and money that you spend in travelling, and handsome money that is charged by centres. 

Here are negatives when it comes to preparation of assessment test for English language learners using digital/online platforms. 

  • It is hard to figure out authentic resources for preparation of English language certification test out of a wide range of resources of all kind.
  • You need to have self-discipline and dedication. As when you prepare for language testing and assessment online, there is no one to push you.
  • To prepare for the English speaking assessment test online can be a little tricky, but it all depends on the quality of resources you are using. 
We hope reading this discussion about Language Assessment Test prep. methods; you have an answer to your question that is how to prepare for English language proficiency test. 

Now you know how to get English language certificate. One more important thing to keep in mind while selecting the English language certificate test is defining clear goals for yourself. 


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