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English Proficiency Test Online - Assessment Test for English Language

Best time to start preparation of English proficiency test online!

Make the most out of quarantine time by preparing for the English language proficiency test!

The current situation is similar for all, in a way that no one is allowed to step out. This is a much-required step to fight against the deadly and dangerous pandemic. In mid of observing social distancing and quarantine, people are digging ways to make this period productive. We have a suggestion for you to make it productive by start preparing for the English language proficiency test onlineThough traditional method followed by most people is coaching centres, who prepare candidates for English language testing and assessment. But in the given situation this methods of preparation for the test of proficiency in English language is not suitable/appropriate. But do not worry, we got you covered. Thanks to the advanced technology and the internet, it is possible to prepare for an English proficiency test online.

Furthermore, you can register for the test online, and some English language testing exams like computer-delivered IELTS can be taken online. But do cross-check the same, as many international English exams like OET are being cancelled or postponed all around India. Therefore, on the safer side, it is the best time to stay home and prepare for English language assessment test.
How to prepare for English language proficiency test sitting at home? 
Let’s do it module-wise:

Writing sub-test- to prepare for writing sub-test of an international English examination, you can find topics online to write essays and letters. Many platforms let you submit your writing sample and based on the same; you are given band score. Read online articles and blogs on current topics to improve your knowledge, vocabulary, grammar and sentence formation; all these elements would help you a lot in earing English language certificate. 

Listening sub-test- the best way of preparing for listening sub-test of global language assessment is by listening to English radio, news, podcast, music, and watching movies and series. This would help you get comfortable and familiar with the assent and would also improve your vocabulary. 

Reading sub-test- as the name suggests the way to improve the band score in reading sub-test of any chosen language skills assessment test, you must practice reading. As in the reading sub-test, you are given some passages to read, and set questions are required to be answered by you based on the information given in the passage. The language of the questions can be twisty, so proper attention is required on your part. Practice English language assessment test sample for reading sub-test to get comfortable with the format of the test. 

Speaking sub-test- it is considered the most difficult sub-test to practice online as you require an expert in front of you to practice the English speaking assessment testBut as the internet is known to offer evolving solutions, therefore, there are many platforms, web portals, applications etc., wherein you can submit your answers to the given cue card and based on that you are given the band score. 

English language proficiency test is something that opens doors of opportunities for students, professionals and almost everyone.
With GETS for schools offered by GETS English exam, even school students of elementary, primary, secondary and intermediate levels can improve their English skills to perform well academically. 

English exam test is also meant for students who want to study abroad. If you want to go abroad for a job opportunity, then also you are required to pass the language certification test. In fact, as India is welcoming many MNCs; therefore, in order to get placement and promotion in English speaking Indian corporate, the English language assessment test is a great tool. Language testing and assessment are being considered by people of many non-English speaking countries to be future-ready. As English language examination open doors of opportunities for people of developing countries to make a career in developed countries or help the fast development of developing countries. 


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