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Showing posts from February, 2020

How to take an English language proficiency test online?

How to improve band score, taking an  English language proficiency test ? If you are planning to upgrade your career or an academic portfolio, an I nternational English examination  is a great tool. Using the  English language proficiency test ,  you can apply for a study or work visa abroad. You can live, work or study in your dream country. Everyone is aware of all the ways to move to developed countries by earning  international English certificate.  The concern that remains unaddressed is how to improve band scores. For people who don’t have English as their mother tongue or first language, struggles the most with the required score for the given  English language examination. Almost every  test of proficiency in English language  is based on the four popular modules: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Therefore, if you don’t read, write, speak and listen to English, you are bound to face problems while attempting any...